
请注意,LV FamilySearch 图书馆设有新的停车场和入口区:
- 主要入口 – 位于拉斯维加斯学院对面的克拉克街 (Clark Street),可直接通往 10 号和克拉克的后部停车场。
- 残疾人入口 – 位于南 9 街 509 号,设有残疾人停车位和通往大楼的坡道。
FamilySearch 中心将为您设置正确的在线资源、帐户和正确的知识,以便您可以更成功地了解您的家族历史,无论您是在家还是在旅途中。

FamilySearch 是如何工作的?
FamilySearch 中心完全以您为中心!来自世界各地的志愿者贡献了数十亿张照片、文档和家谱,形成了 FamilySearch。安排课程,来参观,支持伟大的家庭事业!
Family History Classes & More

Virtual Classes and Webinars
The Family Search Center offers classes via Zoom on a variety of family history topics. Some classes are also broadcast as webinars. In the offered courses, you will learn how to use the tools available on FamilySearch.org to create your own Family Tree and more. You will also discover computer tips and other add-on apps that will help make your family history research more productive.
To see what classes or webinars are available click the button below.

Use the Self Serve Equipment to Digitize Your Tapes, Photos; Slides; Books; Films and Other Media
The FamilySearch Center allows walk ins for these services but encourages you to make a reservation to help ensure equipment is available for you. Don’t forget to bring a thumb drive or external hard drive to store your digitized media.
Learn more about the specific types of equipment available and tips for your visit by clicking below.

Group Visits & Reservations
Staff members are available to provide group experiences. We want your group to enjoy being involved in their own family history, preserving memories of ancestors, becoming acquainted with ancestors’ lives and recording memories of family, and being familiar with indexing. We hope you come to feel the joy of connecting with family past, present, and future. Some of the group classes available are:
- Introduction to Indexing
- Introduction to using FamilySearch
- Discovery Experience using our 55” touch screen monitors or the discovery experiences in FamilySearch.org (Coming soon, check back. )
- Youth Groups ages 11-18 find names for Temple work and discover the story behind the ancestor
- Learn how to use your cell phone to record family history memories and find sources and add them to your family history
- Family History consultant training and review of skills needed to help others with their family history
- Training and use of our preservation & digitizing equipment and
- Family History Themed Escape Rooms!
Make your reservations today for a group experience by clicking below.
拉斯维加斯 FamilySearch 图书馆
509 S 9th Street, 拉斯维加斯, NV 89101
周一:上午 10 点至下午 3 点
周二:上午 10 点至晚上 8 点
星期三:上午 10 点至晚上 8 点
周五:上午 10 点至下午 3 点
周六:上午 10 点至下午 2 点