Skye Canyon Holds Successful Martin Luther King Day Project

This article was contributed by a local member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed may not represent the views and positions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For the Church's official site, visit
“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The JustServe Committee of the Skye Canyon Stake wanted to promote service for MLK day this year so they organized an event which was held on January 16, 2023. During this event they asked for members and non-members alike to drop off new/gently used clothing; household items; kitchen utensils and books to help those in need. They arranged for the donations to go to local charities: Deseret Industries (“DI”); Poppy Foundation; Salvation Army; Centennial Library and the Amargosa Senior Center.Sister Becky Skouson, JustServe Specialist said: “I’m guessing we had 200 to 250 youth and adults volunteering and/or donating. The fun part was that basically every youth or child that showed up wanted to pitch in and help, even if they were primary age and not an assigned volunteer. Everyone really go into the spirit of helping and serving. We had many donations for each organization and filled up the DI trailer twice!”
The Missionaries from Indian Springs were able to come into town and they took the donations to drop off to the Amargosa Senior Center there. All other donations were sent that same day to the other local charities as well.
Items specifically collected for the local charities were:
Deseret Industries (“DI”):
Clean and gently used items such as: clothing, shoes, jewelry,
toys, small appliances, tools, CDs and DVDs
The Poppy Foundation (Cat Rescue):
Canned cat food (Friskies recommended), non-clumping cat
litter, Purina indoor dry food, paper towels, small and large
trash bags, cat treats, cat toys and beds, newspaper and paper
food trays.
Salvation Army:
New or gently used Twin and full sheets, blankets, pillows and
white towels.
Centennial Library Bookstore:
New and gently used books.
Amargosa Senior Center:
Coats, pots, pans, coffee makers, toaster ovens, crock pots,
microwaves, walkers, adult potty chairs, shower chairs and
wheelchairs.The event coordinators felt it was a successful event working with local charities, local stake and community volunteers as well as volunteers that came in to help from Indian Springs.