Nevada youth serve their community in honor of Global Youth Service Day

This article was contributed by a local member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed may not represent the views and positions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For the Church's official site, visit
Global Youth Service Day and Global Youth Service Month are a time when young people can get out and serve in their communities and make a difference — and youth from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints turned out in force to take part.
The Church teaches the importance of service and supports the Global Youth Service initiative through JustServe, a free online platform created by the Church for anyone to use. The JustServe website and app connect charitable and nonprofit organizations with volunteers and is now available in 17 countries.
Whether on Global Youth Service Day from April 26-28, or throughout Global Youth Service Month April 12-May 12, thousands of youth made a difference in their communities.
A few of the projects by youth from Nevada were noted in the Church News article are:
- Around 300 youth both from the Las Vegas Nevada Tule Springs Stake and the Unity Christian Center worked together on an interfaith project. They made 500 hygiene kits for Catholic Charities and wrote 500 notes for Blessings for Backpacks. They also took part in mini classes on goal setting and learning peacemaking skills.
- The North Las Vegas Nevada Stake had around 70 youth join with city workers, a pastor from a neighborhood church, Get Outdoors nonprofit and others to plant trees in Goynes Park and spread bark around other new trees. The project was not on JustServe, but because of the connections made that day, the stake and the city are working together to use JustServe for future tree-planting and park cleanup projects.
You can read more about the other Global Youth projects highlighted in the following article: GLOBAL YOUTH SERVICE DAY/MONTH.
(Content taken from Church News Article.)