Faith & Family Night @ LV Aviators 야구 경기가 성공했습니다!

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Faith & Family Night @ LV Aviators 야구 경기가 성공했습니다!

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Faith and Family Night at the Aviator’s Las Vegas Ballpark was held on September 22, 2023 and was a fun night for everyone who attended! There were 1,982 participants in from various faith and non-profit organizations who purchased or were gifted sponsored tickets in attendance that evening.

The JustServe organization held a service project for winter clothing items and were so excited to see both the Salvation Army and the Las Vegas Rescue Mission trucks get filled with generous donations! There were $600 worth of $5 vouchers for food given out to those who donated items on their way into the game.

There was a huge sense of community involvement and engagement among all participants and the night was a success and will be held again next year! Thank you to everyone who participated and donated much needed items for those less fortunate in our community!


2023년 9월 22일
오후 6시 - 오후 9시 30분 PDT
행사 카테고리:


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1650 S Pavilion Center Dr, 라스베가스, NV 89135
1650 S 파빌리온 센터 드라이브
라스베가스, 네바다주 89135 미국
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