Youth Worldwide Day of Testimony Message From President Nelson

This article was contributed by a local member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed may not represent the views and positions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For the Church's official site, visit
In a first of its kind event, youth around the world gathered to bear testimony of Jesus Christ to fill the world with testimonies for a 24-hour time period.
At the beginning of the gatherings at 7 p.m. in each area on October 22, youth heard a message and a testimony from the Prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russel M. Nelson. You can view it here: view the message.
He invited the youth to prayerfully ask God to help them exercise stronger faith: “Faith in our Heavenly Father and His beloved Son combined with daily repentance will increase your access to godly power.”
As youth gathered locally, the world was filled with testimony of Jesus Christ. This event was an opportunity to emphasize the youth theme “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” and for youth to share with their peers how their testimonies of Jesus Christ have grown over the past year.